[Salon] A Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg's Legacy - YouTube

This video is of the Tribute to Dan Ellsberg’s Legacy event on 30 July at the National Press Club, which Diane Perlman organized with John Henry’s help, both of  the Committee for the Republic, with me lending a hand as well. This was in fact somewhat abbreviated as to video tributes to Dan as we had a tight time constraint to show the recorded videos. So I will create another version shortly with the complete tributes including a couple for which there wasn’t room for, with the tight time constraint we had imposed on us. Unfortunately, the “filming” of the panel discussion had to be done by IPhone held in the shaky hands of a doddering old fool due to the refusal to allow a professional videographer to film. Enough on my deficiencies. In spite of them, the event was a great tribute to Dan Ellsberg, with the video opening with a VoiceMail recording from Dan, to John Henry. 

I think it’s well worth watching to the end. And at the end, you will see my own personal tribute to Dan, to fulfill Dan’s Dying Wish to:


And demand Free Speech, Free Press, and Freedom of Thought!

My own “negative” tribute to those amongst us who would deny those rights guaranteed us under the First Amendment, in following the anti-Bill of Rights, anti-Constitutional, ideology of the Traditional Conservatives who initiated war against the “Liberal” Constitution in the 1950s from their perch in the “Conservative Movement. And who opposed all that Daniel Ellsberg would come to stand for. With that particularly pernicious “Traditional Conservative” (worse than anything else I could call him) Barry Goldwater denouncing Ellsberg as a “Traitor,” when in fact it was Goldwater who was the Traitor. Like those Germans who called for a March on Stalingrad were the real German traitors, not the White Rose group of Sophie Scholl and other courageous dissidents to Nazism who worked against them.


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